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A simple progress bar / goal meter / "thermometer" display for displaying the progress towards a particular goal.

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A simple progress bar / goal meter / "thermometer" display for displaying the progress towards a particular goal.

This jQuery plugin is pretty simple and requires you to have only some basic markup - styling is up to you. Do take a look at the base styles provided to get an idea of what elements you can/should apply styles to.

Starting out

Basic Markup required:

<div id="goal-meter-1" class="goal-meter">

    <div class="goal-meter-track">
        <div class="goal-meter-goal">
            <div class="goal-meter-amount"> 90000 </div>
        <div class="goal-meter-progress">
            <div class="goal-meter-amount">47835 </div>


The Goal Meter can then be called with:


Available Options

goalAmount:     0     // Number:   Goal Amount 
progressAmount: 0,    // Number:   Progress Amount
animate:        true, // Boolean:  Animate? 
slideDuration:  1000, // Number:   Animation speed of the progress bar (milliseconds)
fadeDuration:   500,  // Number:   Animation fade in speed of the amount (ms)
formatter:      null  // Function: Optional formatter function.  


Simple goal meter with numbers already in the DOM


Provide your own values

    goalAmount: 1000,
    progressAmount: 425

Using a formatter

    formatter: function(number) {
        return "$" + number; //just prepend the number with a currency symbol

Live updating

// Somewhere at the start of your code - you init the goal meter

$("#goal-meter").goalMeter(); // let's say your DOM had a goal of 1000 and a progress of 425

// Sometime later...
// You might get some data from the server via an asynchronous request.
// If you want to update the goal meter simply call it on that same element...
// Just with updated values.

$("#goal-meter").goalMeter({ progressAmount: 535 });


The initial goal of this script was to provide a "Fund raising thermometer".